Thursday, September 1, 2011

my inspiration began with...

A childhood dream about what I wanted my future to look like. I dreamed of being a mother, a children's book author, a teacher, a fashion designer, a chef, a graphic designer, a builder and an architect. My dreams were big and my imagination was even bigger!
As children, we all journey through the early years constantly changing our minds about what we want to be when we grow up. For me, it was more about loving too many things rather than not yet knowing what I loved. It was so easy dreaming about all the things I would be when I grew up, but the difficult part about actually growing up was in the realisation I had to pigeon hole my dreams in order to cement a career for myself. Try telling a bird not to fly! But strangely enough, when it came to selecting my VCE subjects, it was clear I wanted to be a designer. A designer of what? Well, I wasn't quite sure. Just a designer. My first VCE Graphics assessment task was to create a business and business name and design it's advertising and merchandising material. And so Lil' Feet was born. My business was an infants and children's boutique specialising in all things handmade, unique and precious. It embraced my love for children, craft and design. Impressed, my ma and Graphics teacher often commented how one day, Lil' Feet would come to be. 

Over a decade later, my career has taken a turn in a very different direction, but I never lost sight of the dream of one day bringing Lil' Feet to life. Then a few weeks ago, I took up sewing again. I made a little minky blanket, bib and rattle toy for a friend who is expecting her first lil' one. Proudly showing my ma, she said "you really should open your Lil' Feet shop!". And now I can't get that thought out of my mind! 

Now I can't say I am quite ready to throw caution to the wind and chase this dream but I am willing to dip my own lil' feet in the water. I am definitely inspired to continue dreaming, and I love the fact that I can now bring together my love of writing and creating and share it with those who want to be inspired. And who knows... maybe one day Lil' Feet will become a reality!  

As you follow me on this journey of inspiration I hope I can inspire you too!

For one of our greatest blessings is to be inspired. Inspired by God... Inspired by love... Inspired by grace... Inspired to dream... Inspired to create... Inspired to always be yourself, believe in yourself and always love the life you're living.

Michelle xx

a lil' about me:

 I married my teenage sweetheart
I studied Architecture then shocked a lot of people when I began a degree in Social Work!
I am now a practicing Social Worker in the disability field
I yearn to be a mother but in the meantime I love spoiling all of the lil' ones in my life
I am passionate about living as much an organic life as is possible
I am a nurturer, a dreamer and a creator
I cook, bake, design, decorate, refurbish, renovate, grow, write, draw, make cards, scrapbook, sew, craft and take photos
I love children, prayer, laughter, music, food, hugs, eyes, eyelashes, butterflies, giraffes, baths, travel, the beach, candles, home, the color red, being barefoot and all things creative
I am thankful as God has blessed me with a rich life with truly amazing family and friends

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