Saturday, November 5, 2011

my health and a move toward organic living

Baby blanket's and cake pops aside, I'd like to begin sharing something on my blog that has become very important to me over the last year... organic living. 

But where do I start? For those of you who don't know me personally and for many of you who do for that matter, it is time to share something very personal about my life and hopefully it will put this move toward organic living and therefore my upcoming blog posts into better context.

I have been very unwell for many years now. Since 2005 I have experienced many unrelated, often debilitating symptoms and my doctor (and many after him) could not make head or tail of what was happening with my body. Not even an emergency admission to hospital could solve the puzzle. After years of poking and prodding, many misdiagnoses and much self doubt, I gave up on ever knowing what was happening to my health. But amidst it all I had a rock who felt my desperation and never let me give up. My rock recommended a doctor and urged me to give it one more try. Surely I was worth it, they remarked. So I fought for those additional tests and this new doctor was finally able to put all of the pieces together. Finally. There was more than one diagnosis, and perhaps this was the reason for many of the previous doctors giving up. Nevertheless, it was an answer. Finally.  

I wasn't prepared to hear what I heard and the first few days left me feeling shell shocked. The usual thoughts ran through my mind... Why me? How will I live with this? What does this mean for my future and all of the hopes and dreams I had for my life? I finally had the answer to all of my questions, yet there were more tears and questions than ever before. But a week or so later I was able to look upon this devastating news as a blessing. Life was going to be somewhat of an uphill battle but knowing certainly felt better than wondering and doubting myself and my symptoms. I knew I would never be without this 'petunia' (an affectionate term my sister has bestowed upon me to describe what is happening with my body) but I knew I had the power to make changes in my life that would render some of my symptoms void. 

Even for some of my closest family and friends, I have chosen not to disclose the true extent of this 'petunia'. Not to be ignorant or deceptive, but because I don't want nor do I need this 'petunia' affecting everything I do and every interaction I have. I want a rich life with God, family, friends and all of my treasured God given gifts. I do not want pity, sadness or grief interfering with what I share with those I love. I do not want to live life by a label. So for this reason, my 'petunia' will be left unspoken and unnamed, at least for now.
So with that, I intend to share with you in my blog, ways in which I have managed my symptoms rather than dwelling on this 'petunia'. The symptoms of almost every condition, disease or disorder can be lessened a little, or a lot, just by relying more on what nature has to offer rather than what man has artificially manufactured. I am not writing this post to preach about how you should live your life, but rather to share my experience in the hope you too will become more conscious of how you feel, how you live and how what you do may be affecting your health, your life and your earth.

Since my diagnosis a little over a year ago, I have made many, many changes. I cleared out all of my cosmetics and personal care items (much to my sisters delight who subsequently became the beneficiary of my vast nail polish collection!) and traded them for organic alternatives. I did the same with my cleaning products and linens. Then there were the changes to my food and food practices. Overall, some were small changes while others were rather radical in the eyes of some. Some were easy while others have been excruciatingly painful (namely my addiction to Mc Donald's fries and Hungry Jack's whoppers... both of which I still regularly indulge!) and will take time to overcome. A lot of time! But no matter what some have had to say about the changes (without knowing the reason for it, of course!), I will not let their comments sway me. These changes have made a world of difference for me and that is all that matters to me right now.

I love that with these changes, I am very slowly creating a new and better me. I am becoming conscious of the effects chemicals have on me and the world and with each small change I am protecting another small element of my health and the earth's future. I also love that my changes have made an impact on the life of many people I love. Some have chosen to use stainless steel water bottles rather than reusing disposable plastic bottles while others have chosen to buy glass lunch containers rather than reheating their lunch in reusable plastic containers that leech harmful chemicals. Some have chosen more natural body products while others have started to grow their own herbs or eat grain bread in place of their usual white loaf. 

So there it is. My secret has been shared with the world. And my message to you is that you don't have to change everything as I have attempted to do. ONE change in YOUR life will undoubtedly benefit you, your health and the earth. So why not make a change today? I can show you how!

Michelle xx 

1 comment:

  1. Truly inspiring post, Michelle! I hope that the changes you make really improve your quality of life and help with the condition. Thanks for posting this, it takes a lot of guts to say stuff like this to the world... you should be proud of yourself! You sound like you have a good support network around you and this is definitely half the battle sometimes. I am admiring your courage as well - I too have an addiction to Hungry Jacks whoppers and McDonalds fries which I have indulged way too much lately so I can't even imagine how hard it is for you. Keep going, cousin, you are doing great!
