Saturday, December 31, 2011

saying goodbye to 2011

2011 has been an extremely busy year - I could say I blinked and it was practically over, but the long work days, late nights, nonstop weekends, fluctuating health and sad goodbyes would tell a very different story. Yes, it was certainly a difficult year for many reasons but it also brought so many beautiful moments I will treasure for a lifetime. No frills family time when we needed it the most. Time away for no other reason than to rest and rejuvenate. My first adventure overseas. New friends. New hobbies and challenges. The birth of many precious lil' ones. Baring witness to humbling joy in the lives of my dearest family and friends. Greater self awareness. Deeper love. Indeed, I have been so very blessed in so many ways.

But now 2012 is upon us. So what do I wish for in this new year? If you know me well, you may say I need to slow down in 2012. Take time out for me. Learn to say "no" more often. But really, what sort of a life would that be? Sure I could go back to a more conventional way of living, but that would mean time meant more than quality of life. I could cut back at work, but that would mean one less person whose life I have made a difference and one fewer lesson I have learned in the process. I could entertain and be entertained less, but that would mean I'd miss out on the laughter, the tears, the deep and meaningfuls and the potential for many new beautiful memories. I could reduce the time I put into handmade gifts and cards and the events that come along with them, but that would mean I wouldn't be sharing in those precious moments that can only be had with wonderful family and friends. 

No, I certainly will not be slowing down in 2012 (5 parties/functions in the first weekend of January definitely proves that!). My wish for 2012 - for there to be many more of these beautiful moments. For my dear family and friends to be blessed with gratitude, love, happiness, contentment, wonderful new experiences, good health and God's grace. For us to learn from 2011 and thrive in 2012. For life to be just as it is meant to be.

Michelle xx

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